Khorne cannon - Smokes of war rising high

Although there are official Khorne cannons models already (which I personally dislike), this MOC was not aiming at all at imitating one. 

Yet, it is quite credible as a Chaos Dwarf creation. I will have to reinforce a platform on its back to allow minifigs to be standing there.

As you can easily see, also the colour pattern is not perfect, although the gold and the chimney are perfect already. 

Standard "khorne face" of my model is also there, this time with pointed black horns.


UPDATE 16.12.2022

Colour pattern fixed and platform added. Somehow inspired by latest AoS Khorne cannons.

Here my building principles: 

 #warhammer #lego #fantasy #custom #MOC #diorama #WHFB #WHLEGO
