Norse Dwarfs - From faraway corners of the Old World to LEGO

The Norse Dwarfs, also called Norscan Dwarfs, are those Dwarfs that continue to inhabit the hard and Chaos-corrupted mountain ranges of Norsca, having been isolated from their southern brethren for nearly 7,000 years.[1a][1b]

So long ago did their ancestors enter the Norscan mountains that these Dwarfs now speak a different language and pursue different customs from those found among the other Dwarfs of the Old World, commonalities that serve to unite all of the other Dwarf Holds of the continent.[4a] 

The existing lore is limited to a few lines, a few miniatures, and an appearance in Total War.

The reasoning behind these minifigs is pretty simple and straight-forward and builds on all original and unofficial bits for vikings, barbarians, and similar savage populations. Felt like I wanted to push the differentation from classic dwarfs a bit further, with less armors and metal overall, kinda more rustic in style.


Reminiscent of the powerful organ guns built in their now far and forgotten mother-holds, the norse dwarfs engineers struggle to re-create anything comparable to them in efficiency and power. This patch-work prowess might definitely explode in their face at any time, but is testimony to an unaltered dwarf pride despite the isolation and deprivation the norse dwarfs had to endure.

Organ gun

Here my building principles: #warhammer #lego #fantasy #custom #MOC #diorama #WHFB #WHLEGO #oldhammer