Undead catapult

Although undead catapult in WHFB are unique and peculiar, this once I did not try to imitate an existing set, although that was the starting point.

The vintage model is really cute, but nowadays the theme could be explored in a 1.000 better ways.

The Screaming Skulls catapult is a real jewel of conception and design, but perhaps for later.

Truth is, we all have something different in mind if we have to visualise some undead catapult, actually outside the Tomb Kings perimeter.

Here my humble contribution.

Counterweight is still missing, but the head below is meant to be somehow attached: rope? chain? else?

Here my building principles: https://legowarhammer.blogspot.com/2020/10/introduction-to-project.html #warhammer #lego #fantasy #custom #MOC #diorama #WHFB #WHLEGO #oldhammer
