A rare sight: a dwarf woman engineer

Suddenly I felt the urge of having this fantastic character built! Luckily, Warhammer Dwarf women have no mustache or overgrown body hair... although it would be easier in terms of LEGO bits available.

It is present in the lore, mostly from videogames (is there any actual model?), and namely:

Warhammer Odyssey


The actual MOC

Now, as usual, I tend to identify the most iconic elements of a new character and work on them specifically:

  1. Googles or monocles
  2. Long hair, possibly with braids
  3. Some armor
  4. Some weir, almost hi-tech, weaponry and device.

NB. hat 99239pb01 from

Viking Woman, Series 7 

is the only headset allowing for a helmet AND hairs as needed.

This lady in particular lights her TNT up from her mechanical hammer, who behaves here a bit like a big lighter, and then pulls the chain around the wrist on her other arm to activate the mechanical arms throwing the ignited explosives. It is also accompanied by a fancy pair of turrets. 


Here my building principles: https://legowarhammer.blogspot.com/2020/10/introduction-to-project.html #warhammer #lego #fantasy #custom #MOC #diorama #WHFB #WHLEGO #oldhammer