Chaos Warriors are mortals who have left their natural way of life and chosen to dedicate themselves to a Chaos God, in order to gain their favour and blessings with the ultimate goal of daemonhood and eternal life. Amongst the Northmen some warriors feel the power of Chaos greater than others. These warriors are made the pawns of the Chaos gods. The Warriors of Chaos are the best of the fighters of the Northmen, their abilities honed from constant battle within their own ranks and battle with opposing forces. They are held in honour and fear amongst the Northmen, due to their strong connection with the gods of Chaos (SOURCE)
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Chaos warriors are -in my view- an absolute challenge for a LEGO conversion. They have imposing sizes compared to normal human beings (thus minifigures) that can be only partially covered by a simple LEGO armor. Yet, they are not big enough to justify the use of the so-called LEGO "big figures" (those we leave for minotaurs, trolls, ogres, and the like). Similarly, build solutions like this one would overcomplicate things.
Other accessory elements are: heavy weaponry, capes and furs. Especially the last one is the most difficult to render, for the lack of actual bricks (basically brick nr 26066) and for how they clash with all armorish bits.
Another challenge is imposed by the helmet, most often with its very recognizable shape. Truth to be told, LEGO has already paid tribute with this headgear (brick 32603pb01 from Nexo Knights set 70355-1) and the whole character of Lord Krakenskull.
Similarities are clear. Too bad this single brick costs a fortune, the lightening pattern is partially applicable to our MOC, I do not paint over, and it would be far too repetitive (and boring) for a whole regiment. Yet, a little chaos icon on top of that 1x1 round tile would be so juicy to have!
Along these lines, here come some genius solutions from other fellow AFOLs, where the eye symbol (one of the many Chaos symbols in Warhammer) from the Elves theme is pushed to its maximum. (Applauses).
Of course, here we are not even exploring the option of God-dedicated warriors, but most generally of Undivided.
Here come some of the toughest guys I could come up with.
This is a patchwork solution you'll come across pretty often googling this idea (yes, not out of my own brain). 2 plumes are symmetrically placed to mimic the double-horn shape. No proper horn brick at present allows such a combination, as they are too short or the pin has a different angle (you'll see more in the soon-to-come post on norsemen). The helmet is clearly not LEGO.
Although pretty cool, I believe Chaos warriors should not show bits of skin (the yellow details under the chin). Weapon is absolutely nice here and the armor is basically printed, apart from the shoulders. It comes from some modern military theme, but the colors and the overall pattern fit perfectly.
This gentleman here is clearly my favourite. Although its helmet is of a pretty generic medieval-theme, custom type, miles away from the one described above, still this one better provides a sense of "heaviness". The minifig is in fact thick and the metal hue is absolutely consistent across the MOC. Finally, he is also wearing a cape, another element (with the fur) that we should possibly have more often with Chaos warriors. The axe is absolutely perfect and I will be adding a Chaos symbol on the shield soon. He will soon be sighted aboard of a powerful chariot :)
We have again the issue of the helmet here, but I could not help myself from all the fun! This guy passed the selection thanks to the heavy axe and the horned shield with an actual symbol on it. Color pattern is respectable :)
Ok, this is the cheapest of the four, the lion symbol does not belong here, and we barely see chaos warriors swinging two swords this small. Yet, I wanted to pay tribute to some of the most classic castle-theme shapes while working on this MOCs.
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